story is dedicated to Mr.
David Mitchell who was
the first to recognize me
as an East End Toff.

was having lunch the
other day with a small
group of people when the
conversation turned to
the films of Alfred
Hitchcock. After some
general chit-chat about
his films, the
conversation soon turned
to their individual
favourites. Their choices
included many of the
films of his great
period: Vertigo,
Psycho, North by
Northwest and so on.
When someone mentioned
the film Rear Window, I
was just on the point of
putting a mouthful of
something into my mouth.
Unfortunately, at that
precise moment, my mind
chose to play a cruel
trick on me and I was
reminded of an incident
that had occurred years
earlier when I was a
child. The memory of that
event caused me to laugh
and the food poised on my
fork was tossed about the
table much to the chagrin
of my companions.

startled, my companions
looked at me as if I had
suddenly gone nuts. I
apologized for my
eventful accident and
immediately began dusting
the table in an attempt
to tidy up. Soon the
waiter arrived to help
everyone clear up my
mess. Naturally I was
embarrassed and
apologized once more.
Although my companions
had settled back into
enjoying their lunch at
this point, they wanted
to know what had caused
my laughter and wanted me
to share the joke.
I told them that it was
something that had amused
me as a child and
probably would not be
funny to them should I
tell it. However, they
insisted on hearing it.

here to watch a clip from
'Rear Window'

I said
that the mention of the
film, Rear Window,
had reminded me of
something that had
happened years earlier
when I was a child living
in the East End of
London. I had gone with
my parents to the Odeon
Hackney to see Rear
Window a great
film to see if you are
not familiar with it, by
the way. I
remember sitting and
enjoying the film when a
woman sitting behind me
interrupted my
concentration by talking.
Never one to appreciate
such an insult even at my
young age, I turned
around and gave her a
glare. The woman,
totally oblivious to
having interrupted my
concentration and being
the cause of my
irritation, was
commenting on the suit
that the actor Wendell
Corey was wearing in the
scene currently on the
screen. The suit was tan
coloured and very well
cut. Even I, at my young
age, could appreciate its
style. It was made from
light weighted material
and obviously ideal for
the hot summer that the
characters were
experiencing in the film.

unaware of my irritation,
this woman continued with
her talking and said that
she would like to see her
husband in such a suit.
Being young, I did not
care that this
conversation was private
and not intended for my
ears. I also did not care
that it might be thought
rude of me should I turn
and look at the film
star sitting next to
her that she wanted to
see dressed a la
Wendell Corey. Since
I did not care about
either of these points, I
turned round in my seat
to see the would-be
film star seated
behind me. Unfortunately,
I could not but gawk
in surprise at the site
that greeted me in
disbelief. What I saw
could never be mistaken
by any stretch of the
imagination for a film
star! What I saw
instead was an old and
very fat balding man with
the sourest look on his
face. To misquote the
song, this poor
mans figure was
less than Greek. The
idea of this dumpy old
man daring to wear a copy
of the suit on the screen
struck me as too
ridiculous for words.
Suddenly and before I
could engage what little
impulse control I had at
that time into gear, the
ludicrousness of the
situation seized hold of
me and I burst out
laughing while still
looking directly at this
poor man. Try as I might,
I was unable to suppress
my laughter.
laughter brought a smack
on my legs from both
parents and I was told to
turn round and be quiet
and watch the film.
Sadly, I found it hard to
stifle my laughter, which
burst forth each time
Wendell Corey appeared on
the screen. I tried
coughing each time he was
in a scene, but each
time, I lost the battle
and broke out into gales
of laughter again and
again. Even the stuffing
of my handkerchief into
my mouth did little to
help. Sadly, more smacks
soon came my way. My poor
parents were mortified by
my behaviour and I was
threatened with
additional smacks once
I get you home! Alas,
no threat could chase
away or erase the sight
of that man in my mind.
Once I
finished, my other
companions at the table
gave me a sniff but no
laughter. I expect one
had to be there to
find the story amusing.
Luckily for me, I was
saved from further scorn
since just then the
dessert arrived. My
companions each grabbed
the spoons before them
and plunged them into the
ice cream and soon they
were merrily engaged in
the scraping of the last
remains of it from their
bowls. My story was
forgotten. One final
point about the story:
each time I watch Rear
Window, I cannot but
remember that poor
version of a Wendell
Corey-look-alike and
of suits reminds me
of when I was a kid and
how many children were
dressed in those days.
Like many mothers, mine
always made sure that I
was dressed neat and
tidy. However, one
thing that she always
insisted upon was that I
should have good, well
kept Sunday best
clothes. I notice
today that parents
dont seem to think
in the same way. This is
not to say that kids are
badly dressed. We live in
an age when casual
wear is de rigueur
and this is especially
apparent in
childrens wear.
Even when kids go to
church, despite some boys
dressing in suits, ties
and dress shirts, there
will generally be some nod
to casual wear. Check out
their shoes most
will be in sneakers or
some other sporty
shoe. When I was a
kid, Sunday best meant
a suit, a special shirt
and tie together with
leather shoes that were
highly brushed and
polished. Trousers were
short until you reached a
certain age when you were
deemed ready to graduate
to long ones. Every
boy wore short trousers
in those days and no one
thought anything about
it. It was only when a
boy reached eleven or
twelve years of age that
some embarrassment began
to be felt about still be
in short trousers,
especially by those who
had suddenly shot up in
The final
touch to Sunday best
clothes would be made
with the placement of a
neatly folded white
cotton handkerchief in
the top breast pocket.
Once a child was dressed,
he would be required to
march up and down for his
mothers inspection
and await her final nod
of approval. I doubt if
any sergeant major in any
army was as difficult to
please at inspection as a
mother at that time. My
mother always seemed
especially harsh in her
critique, since I never
seemed to be able to hold
my shoulders back and
keep my head up to
her satisfaction.
Eventually, after passing
muster, the child was
deemed presentable to be
seen in public. At this,
he would be told to go
and play, but dont
get dirty! Now how
could a boy go and
play and remain
little suits were worn
for special occasions
only. Such occasions
included going to church,
visiting family friends
and relations, travelling
and, in my case, going to
the theatre. Immediately
I got home, I had to go
upstairs straight away
and take them off
no waiting was permitted.
Once removed, the suit
was not allowed to remain
on a chair for a second
longer than necessary
and, G-d forbid, was
never to be dropped on
the floor. In those days,
kids knew what it took
for parents to buy
clothes and knew not to
treat them like rags.
Today, I am amazed when I
visit the homes of others
and see clothes dropped
and left on floors in
just about every room of
the house. I cannot blame
the kids since their
parents had set the
example. My little suit
was hung up straight away
on its special hanger and
put back into the
wardrobe without delay.
In addition, I had been
taught not to loosen my
tie and drag it over my
head to take it off. I
had been shown how to
untie it and then either
roll it up and put on a
shelf in a tall boy or
else hang it over the
rail of the door. The
worn shirt was
immediately given to my
mother and would be
washed the next day,
ironed the day after and
then put away in a
drawer. Everything was
now ready for use either
on the following Sunday
or earlier if needed for
a special occasion.
My parents
had a wide range of
customers that came
regularly to their pie
n mash shop.
They included factory
workers, families, road
workers and many in the shmateh
trade they
made clothes, many of
which were sold on Savile
Row. Whitechapel once
boasted a large Jewish
population and many
worked in the small
tailoring businesses that
flourished along and
around the Whitechapel
Road. Many people in shmateh
were friendly with my
mother and were regulars
since my
parents pies and
eels were very popular.
As a result of her
friendships, many people
in the rag trade
often made my father and
myself suits at a
special price. My
mother, being a stylish
woman, liked to wear costumes,
as womens suits
were once called, and
occasionally would have
one made for herself. I
remember that she always
wore a costume with
a wrap-around skirt.
most kids of today, I did
not dislike wearing these
suits since I thought of
myself as being quite
grown up in them.
However, what I did
dislike, and dislike
intensely, was the
fashion at the time for
boys to be dressed in a matching
suit with their
fathers. Such bespoke
suits were made of
the same material and in
the same style. This, I
not only disliked, but
hated. I found the
fashion to be quite
ridiculous, but try as I
might, I could not
dissuade my parents away
from the idea.
I had a number of
photographs taken of me
when I was a child, only
a few have survived.
Mercifully, there is only
one where I am seen
dressed in the same
suit as my father. We are
seen standing on the
steps before the British
Museum. It is
interesting to note that
I have never liked this
museum and whenever I go,
I find that I have to
leave after a short
period of time. Perhaps I
associate it with the
concept of matching
suits still. In the
picture, I am seen
wearing a cap while my
father is wearing his trilby.
Thank heavens for the
difference. My father,
although not tall, was
stylish and, I will give
him great credit for
this, he knew how to wear
a hat.
of photographs, there
is one picture of me
taken on the promenade at
Brighton during my first
visit to the resort that
shows me in a very happy
state. I was very excited
as I hoped to build a
sandcastle and had
brought my bucket and
spade expressly for the
purpose. I really liked
that bucket as it was
decorated with Mickey
Mouse, a particular
favourite of mine at the
time. The reader will
notice that I had
expressly turned the
bucket so that Mickey would
appear in the picture.

Me on my
first visit to Brighton
although I see this
photograph as showing a
happy and excited little
boy, there is one thing
about it which continues
to cause me to cringe
with embarrassment
whenever I see it
it is those sandals! Just
look at them! It
is the strap about the
ankle and the openness
across the instep that
makes them look like old
Granny shoes! It
amazes me that such a
shoe was made for boys!
They seem more in
keeping with shoes for
When I was
very young, it was still
the fashion to dress
young boys in military
wear. I do not mean
the ex-military wear much
loved by the French,
which becomes le style
at periodic
intervals, but rather
little outfits made
especially for children.
Such outfits were once
loved by the Royal
Families of Europe and
later become popular with
the general public.
Coming from Britain, we
once had a strong
tradition and an
affiliation for the sea.
And so it was not
surprising to see
children dressed in naval
attire. I remember being
dressed in the outfit of
a naval man and was very
fond of it. It consisted
on a pair of trousers and
a long overcoat. It was winter
wear as it was made of
thick and heavy wool. I
liked the buttons since
they were made of brass
and shone. If I liked the
outfit, I absolutely
loved the hat. The hat
was that of an officer
and was quite heavy on
the head. However,
wearing it gave me a
great sense of authority
and my father would amuse
himself by getting me to
march up and down
whenever I wore it. I
enjoyed this and would
happily swing my arms and
march in step as my
father called out one-two,
one-two, one-two.
I think that I actually
believed myself to be an
admiral, or a captain at
least! The hat was very
well made and maintained
its form during the time
that the outfit fitted
me. The bill was of some
shinny black plastic-like
material on the outer
surface and of a dark
mottled green material on
the underside. The
insignia on the front of
the hat was of an anchor,
which I liked too. I was
very upset when I finally
outgrew that outfit and a
little annoyed when my
mother gave it away to some
woman who came into
the shop. Once it was
explained to me that it
no longer fitted me and
that there was this
poor little boy living up
the road whose father had
not come back from the
war, I remember
feeling guilty and
willingly wanted this
child to have my coat and
hat. I say willingly
this was true
regarding the coat and
trousers, but it took a
great deal of effort to
part with that hat!
here for YouTube clip
of dressing up, I
remember that once I
started going to school,
there would be a Christmas
party just before we broke
up for the holidays.
This was always something
to look forward to, as
there would be jellies
and cakes for the eating,
which were always
enjoyable. Mind you, you
were required to eat a
sandwich or two before
being allowed to eat a
cake. However, this was a
small price to pay for
the right to nosh the
good stuff. There would
be games and prizes to be
won and I am sure that
everything was arranged
so that no child left
empty handed. However,
the highlight of the
afternoon was the fancy
dress parade! A special
prize was to be
awarded to the child with
the best costume.
Naturally, we all had our
eye on that prize.
There was always a great
deal of excitement in the
class once the teacher
announced the date of
that years party.
Much thought went into
choosing just the
right costume and
preparation took place
over what seemed like
many weeks. The plan was
that we were supposed to
help our parents make a
costume. The teacher
always stressed that
costumes did not have to
be elaborate and could be
very simple. She always
stressed that they should
not be hired. The more snooty
girls in the class
whose mothers could not
only sew, but sew well
would feign mock
horror at the mere
suggestion of such an
affront! Many of us in
the class could have
slapped these creatures,
but since we had been
taught never to hit
girls, we refrained from
giving those silly
cows what they well
and truly deserved. I was
annoyed by the
supercilious manner of
these girls since my poor
mother was not adept with
a needle and thread and
so would certainly be
unable to make me a
costume. Besides, she had
little time left after
working in the shop. My
father, who had been
trained as a tailor, was
also too busy to make me
something. However,
despite what the teacher
might have dictated, my
mother did what she
thought was right and I
would always be a part of
the parade.
I remember
two years in particular
where great effort went
into obtaining a costume
for me. I have to admit
that the inspiration
for my costumes came from
films. Being a great
lover of the cinema from
an early age, I suppose
that this was not
surprising. I think that
the idea for my first
costume probably came
from my first experience
with falling in love.
underestimate or dismiss
the first love of a
child. Although it is
certainly not a mature
love and certainly not
something that could
possibly last, it is
nonetheless deeply felt
and the memory of it may
still be carried in the
heart for all of
ones life. I
actually fell in love with
two women when I was very
young. The first woman
that caught my eye and
won my heart was
Doris Day. I remember
being greatly taken with
her. My parents would
take me to see her Warner
Brothers films
at the ABC Empire
in Mile End Road. My
favourite was Tea for
Two, although I did
not dislike all of the
others. I think that West
Point Story was my
least favourite, but this
was only because they had
dared to make it in black
and white!
Unfortunately, I was not
old enough at the time to
appreciate films made in black
and white. This would
come years later once I
began to use the term film!

Click on
the individual posters to
see a clip from the film
I was very
taken with Doris Day. I
loved her voice and
thought her the most
beautiful woman in the
world. Years later, once
I was not longer Ms
Days greatest
fan, I was surprised
to learn that she was not
popular with the Press
and regularly won the Sour
Apple award for being
the least accessible of
actresses. Imagine that!
Perky, bubbly Doris Day
was not the girl next
door and was as
difficult as the rest of
us! Perhaps Im
falling in love again.

Click on
the individual pictures
to see excerpts from her
My other
love was Judy Garland. I
never saw The Wizard
of Oz as a child. I
was raised on her adult MGM
musicals. I was always wounded
when it looked as if Ms
Garland was going to be
spurned by the so-called
heroes of her films. And
whenever there was another
woman involved, I
would take an instant
dislike to her. I have
hated poor Ann Miller and
Angela Lansbury and
others as a result. Not
that either or any were
bad actresses, but purely
and simply because they
caused Ms Garland to cry
in a film. I would take
these films very
seriously and feel the
rejection personally.
I would then voice my
opinion while still in
the cinema for all to
hear much to the
embarrassment of my

Click on
the individual pictures
to see excerpts from her
towards the end of any
film with Doris Day or
Judy Garland, there would
generally be a big splashy
production number
where everyone would be
dressed in their finery.
The men would be dressed
in evening wear and the
hero would get to kiss
these beautiful women. I
must have somehow linked
the mode of dress of the
men with the winning of
my favourites. As a
result, I wanted evening
wear! Naturally, my
request was not taken
seriously by my parents.
At first I was humoured
and told that I was too
young for such a suit.
Later my persistence
caused my parents
patience to wear thin and
I was told to be quiet
with the talk of evening
wear! What was a
person to do? And then
along came that
years fancy
dress parade!
I changed my tactics.
What if I were to go to
the fancy dress parade dressed
in evening wear? I
thought that this might
just get me my evening
attire. Naturally I was
aware of Fred Astaire at
the time and had seen
some of his films with
the great Ginger Rogers.
Sadly, I was not greatly
taken with him, although
I liked her very much.
Even as a child, although
I admired his dancing, I
found his acting to be painful
and his singing to be
weak. I was more of a
Gene Kelly man. He was
more athletic and I found
him to be more versatile.
I had seen Singin
in the Rain and was
especially taken with the
Broadway Rhythm sequence
where he was dressed in
evening clothes and a
straw hat a la Maurice
Chevalier. However,
despite admiring him
more, I had to admit that
Fred Astaire, with a top
hat in place, was more debonair,
albeit a trifle less
dashing. And as a
child, I was definitely
looking for that debonair

Click on
the poster to watch a
clip from Singin' in the
Rain |
final point here about
the Broadway Rhythm sequence:
I was very, very taken by
Cyd Charisse and her
dancing. To be honest, it
was those long, long legs
that I could not believe,
but liked.
I remember asking my
parents about them and
being told to be quiet!
Years later, I went to
see Ms Charisse when she
appeared on Broadway
in the musical version of
Grand Hotel (she
played the Greta Garbo
role). Since she had
become by then one of my
very special favourites,
I was unable to resist
the temptation of waiting
at the stage door to see
her up close. She
was even more beautiful
than on film and despite
my intention not to push
forward and talk to
her, I did. I remember
getting her to autograph
my programme while I told
her, somewhat unwisely,
that I had loved her
long legs when I was a
child. She looked at
me, sniffed and moved on!
I had forgotten that, at
this time, my beard had
already turned snow white
in colour and I must have
seemed much older than I
really was to her. The
poor woman must have felt
a hundred years old after
hearing my complement!

back to my wish for evening
dress: my nagging
must have worked as my
mother took me to a Costumes
for Hire emporium in
Aldgate one day after
school shortly before the
day of The Parade.
We were greeted by the sales
associate and once he
learned what was
required, we were swept
back into the
outfitters main
area. Here I was asked to
try on a series of
evening suits in order to
find the correct size. I
remember being very taken
with the trousers:
evening wear for men has
this wonderful design
along the outer seam of
the leg. This takes the
form of a strip and adds a
certain flair to the
trouser. The coat was
also remarkable in that
the lapels were what
seemed like satin to me.
Not knowing any better at
the time, I made no
complaint when I was
given a clip-on bowtie
to wear. I felt like
a prince in that outfit
and strolled up and down
the outfitters and, much
to the delight of the
associate, I did a little
dance a la Gene Kelly!
How could I not? As
wonderful as the suit was
and as suave and as
sophisticated as I felt,
this was nothing more
than a prelude to what
was about to come, once the
hat was produced.
of hats, I have only
recently taken to wearing
hats. The first hat that
I ever bought was a homberg.
I purchased it in New
York and would wear it
when I went to weddings
and funerals of which I
attended many. I have a
wonderful overcoat which
I bought in Paris during
a sale in 1974 and I
would wear this hat with
this coat. I thought that
I was really elegant whenever
I wore this ensemble.
Since the discussion of
this coat is beyond the
scope of this story,
anyone wishing to read
more about it is
requested to go to the After
immediately following
this story where I will
tell more.

on the picture to see a
movie clip)
we talking of hats? To
return to my evening
attire: I cannot stress
the transformation that
took place once I was
given a top hat of the
correct size to try on.
Once it was placed on my
head, and once I had
adjusted it to a
jaunty angle, I was
suddenly transformed
I felt like
bursting into tap and
Singin in the
Rain. I was ready to run
up the wall and dance on
the ceiling! What is
that line in that
Christmas song, Frosty
the Snowman?
there must
have been some magic in
that old silk hat they
found for I
no longer felt like a
little East End boy! No,
I had become a young
man about town - an
East End Toff -
and was
ready to take my table at
some swanky restaurant or
the late show at the Moulin
Rouge where I would
be surrounded by the
screaming wild danseuses
who I would willingly
allow to kick my hat off!

Click on
the picture to watch a
clip from Singin' in the
Rain |

Englishman at the Moulin
Rouge |
although my fancy
dress was much
admired at the party, I
was not chosen as one of
the finalists. Of
course this is completely
understandable, however
at the time I was amazed
that I was left out of
the final group since I
did not feel that my
competition was
especially strong. The competition,
such as it was, consisted
of a motley crew. There
were a few kids dressed
in sheets,
pretending either to be
Romans or ghosts I
could not tell the
difference! Several
others wore eye patches
and kerchiefs on their
heads along with stripped
shirts a more
sorry bunch of pirates
I had never seen. The
most amusing of the bunch
were a couple of
overweight fairies
complete with glittering
wands, sagging wings and
wearing ballet shoes!
There were various other
efforts made by kids
where they pretended to
be animals, both wild and
domestic. Although it was
not home made, I
felt that my evening
wear was clearly the
best. I certainly wore
mine with penash and
style, which certainly
could not be said for my
companions. Still, what
can one do when one is
not recognized by the
remember being met by my
mother once the party
concluded and being taken
to have my picture taken
at a nearby
studio. Following the
picture taking, I found
the winner of the Parade
waiting to be
photographed. It was one
of the fairies! In
fact it was the heavier
of the two and the child
with the most miserable
disposition of all the
kids in the class. The
girl was one of those whose
mothers could sew. The
child had been bragging
for days about how she
had been helping her
mother by sewing on
numerous sequins and
things onto her costume
and how she was certain
to win the prize. She
was a nasty jealous
natured child who had a
mean streak in her. She
was not liked by her
classmates and I for one
disliked her intensely.
The child was greedy and
would never share anything.
Even the teacher would
often be vexed by her
once I came out from the
photographers, and
this child went
in, I remember her mother
suggesting to my mother
that since we both
looked so adorable,
why didnt we
have our picture taken
together? As I have said,
my mother was a stylish
woman. Her natural good
taste and distinction
were sufficient for her
to decline the offer with
a polite but acceptable
excuse that satisfied her
mother. Had I not
been blessed with a
mother with discerning
taste, she had only to
look in my direction see
the horror stricken
look on my face to
know what my feelings
were regarding this
matter and would know to
decline this gracious offer.
I remember that both my
mother and I run from
the establishment. We
were on the verge of
choking as we leapt down
the stairs and out to the
street with all the speed
and grace of young
gazelles. We were both in
fits of laughter since
that poor child was not
at the best of times easy
on the eye, but here,
dressed as a fairy, she
made a perfect figure
of fun.
I remember
another year where great
effort was made to find
me the perfect costume.
A little earlier in the
year, I recall having
become aware of the
law and taking a
strong liking to it. I
suspect that I had seen a
film where a scene must
have been set in a
British courtroom.
Although I was brought up
to trust the police and
to be unafraid of them,
it was not them that
impressed me at this
time. I was impressed by
the method just by counsel
used to address each
other and for weeks I
went around calling
people my learned
colleague and the
like! I was very taken
with the wigs worn
by the prosecution and by
the defence, however what
really took my
fancy was the one worn by
the judge. I found the
judge, sitting at the
bench, high above the
rest of the court, to be
a remarkable character
and to be smartly
dressed. I was greatly
taken with his long and
exaggerated wig and with
the black robe that he
I had discovered the
law, I began my quest
to get an outfit for the
next fancy dress
parade. To be honest,
this did not prove as
difficult as I first
thought. A week or so
later, one afternoon
after my return from
school, my mother took me
to this tiny little
factory/room off
Whitechapel Road. Here,
two or three large
hand-operated sewing
machines filled the room.
There were several tailors
dummies over in one
of the corners each with
a mass of pins stuck in
them. Old, marked and
dirty mirrors decorated
the walls. We were
greeted by a stout Jewish
man who obviously knew my
mother since they seemed
to have a lot to talk
about. He obviously knew
me to, as he began to
make a fuss of me
immediately I arrived. I
remember he grabbed my
right cheek with thumb
and index finger and gave
me a huge pinch that not
only hurt at the time,
but stung for a good
while afterwards.
Following this painful
interaction, I stayed out
of arms reach of
this man as much as I
manin-charge soon
whisked my mother to one
side and installed her in
a chair where she would
have a perfect view of
the proceedings to come.
Soon, two old men, each
with a slight stoop, and yarmulkes
on their heads
arrived. They were
obviously known to my
mother as well and once
greetings were over, they
turned to me, but this
time I was clever, as I
stayed out of reach, but
gave them my best smile
since they seemed very
nice. Soon tea was
produced and everyone got
a cup and seemed to be
having a good time. I was
given some lemonade,
which I greatly
appreciated. They were
all chatting away and
laughing while I was left
to look about the place.
I remember that they kept
a black cat that was
lying motionless before a
small electric heater
that was used to warm the
place. Just as I was
getting ready to see if
the cat was alive by
stroking it, it was my
turn to be whisked away.
Without realizing it, I
was soon to become the
centre of attention. The
old men had put down
their cups and now
surrounded me and gave me
the once over.
Quickly, I had my coat
removed by unseen hands
and I was immediately
told by my mother to stand
up straight and pull
your shoulders back
as the old men continued
to circle me. Without
further a do, my arms
were measured, as was my
height and girth and
anything else that a tape
measure could be got
around. Although I
dont remember
moving, I could hear my
mother telling me to stay
still. Meanwhile, the
old men and the tailor
were talking away, or
rather yelling away at
each other in Yiddish.
the men had done whatever
it was that they needed
to do, they left me alone
and returned to their
cups. I was still the
centre of attention and
now everyone was gazing
at me and telling my
mother what a lovely
boy I was and how
lucky she was to have
such a well-behaved boy
chick. Such a well
behaved little man! And
manikin was given
a cake and then some
sweets. It paid to be
whatever it was they saw
me as and I was grateful
for the goodies that I
was given.
About a
week later, my mother and
I returned once more to
the little tailors
after I arrived home from
school. Again I was
greeted with much joy by
the tailor. Sadly, I was
not quick enough to dodge
his fingers and this time
my left cheek got the
squeeze! And again, I
felt the pain for an hour
or so. Once my mother was
quickly installed in a
chair and given a cup of
tea, and again before I
could get at that cat, I
was whisked into the
centre of the room where
again off came my coat.
However, this time, I was
not poked or prodded or
measured, but was told to
hold my arms above my
head. This I did and
suddenly a long black
garment was passed over
my head. My arms were
taken and pushed through
sleeves and again I was
told by my mother to stand
up straight and pull
your shoulders back!
The tailor next stepped
forward and I was pushed
first one way and then
the other. The garment
that I was now wearing
was pulled down at the
back and then pulled up
at the shoulders. I was
told to hold my arms out
to my side. The sleeves
of the garment came to my
fingertips. Quickly on
each side of me, one of
the old slightly stooped
men appeared and began to
pull at and then turn
under the sleeves and
secured their handiwork
with pins which were held
between their teeth. Next
they were both on the
ground and were adjusting
the length of the
everyone, including my
mother, was happy with
the length of the garment
and the length of the
sleeves, I was required
to walk up and down
yes, my mother had
voiced her commands
again! and to show
off the garment,
which I now learned was
called a robe. It
seems that my mother had
arranged for my fancy
dress costume to be
professionally made that
Although I
did not mind singing during
our Musical
at home or dressing like
an admiral, I suddenly
felt embarrassed at
wearing the robe.
I think that my reticence
came from the fact that the
garment resembled a
dress too much for my
liking. I had obviously
failed to appreciate the
form of a
judges robe from
the film. All I had
really seen was the top
of it since the judge
remained seated behind
the bench. I was feeling
somewhat disappointed and
wished that I had not
allowed it to be known
how impressed I had been
by the becks
And then
something happened to
change my opinion! The
tailor after gushing at
me and wanting to pinch
my cheeks yet again, but
thinking better of it,
suddenly ran to the back
of the room and quickly
returned carrying a large
and crumbled brown paper
bag. He was beaming.
Everyone but me seemed to
know what the bag
contained and they all
became quite excited at
the prospect of what was
to come. I swear that the
old men got so carried
away that they were
clapping their hands and
hopping on the spot with
anticipation. My mother
was beaming with pride as
her darling stood there
feeling a little
despondent. But as I
said, this was about to
The tailor
put his hand into the bag
and then dragged out what
looked like the cat, now
dead. He brought this
foul looking dead
thing towards me and
before I could duck out
of the way, he had dumped
it on my head. He stepped
back and clapped his
hands with joy. The old
men stepped into their
jig once more and my
mothers beam
increased. What was this
thing that he had dumped
on my head? Since I had
not seen the cat on this
second visit, I was
certain that its carcass
was now on my head and I
was not best pleased! I
was about to rip it off
when quick as a flash I
saw my image in one of
the many mirrors! And
then I understood the joy
that was all about me. I
was now wearing a
miniature judges
There is
an old expression that
says that clothes
maketh the man. Well,
this was certainly true
that day! Once I realized
that I was dressed as a
judge, I felt myself
transformed. Suddenly I
assumed the persona of
a judge! I turned up my
nose and began to strut
about the about the place
with all of the dignity
and the presence that I
could muster and which I
believed becoming of a
judge. My efforts were
much appreciated and I
received several rounds
of applause from the
audience as I paraded up
and down, making several
turns, and yes, I did
hold my shoulders back
and I did keep my head up
The tailor
and his associates had
made that robe and
furnished the wig as a
gift to me and I was very
appreciative to them for
their gifts. Eventually,
I was disrobed and
de-wigged and my
gifts were wrapped and
packed up for us to take.
I thanked each gentleman
in turn for their
kindness and as my gift
to them, I allowed my
poor cheeks to be pinched
once more and maintained
a smile despite the pain.
I remember them using the
word delicious to
describe me, which I did
not understand at the
time since I thought that
such a word was reserved
for food and not people.
Anyway, I had been
instructed to shake
hands only recently
and was eager to try the
salutation out. The old
men were bowled over when
I extended my hand for
the shaking. Such a
manikin! Oi!!
my outfit, although
admired and pawed over at
school, did not bring
home the grand prix!
This time the prize was
reserved for a young girl
who came dressed as a gypsy!
A gypsy I
ask you! The winner was a
nice girl, but still it
was a bitter pill to
swallow. I was outwardly
gracious to her in my
congratulations, however
I have to confess at
being than polite under
my breath. I was
convinced that there had
been a carve up
and believed that the
little girl must have
been a relative of the
teacher who judged the
event. Call me a poor
loser! I can still
remember that little girl
shaking her tambourine as
she danced and twirled
about the room! Total
show off! Had I won, I
would have walked around
the room with the dignity
and grace as befitting
one called to the bar!
for video clip from 'The
Red Violin'
and click
for part of Brahms'
Hungarian Dance No. 5
I showed a few of my
childhood pictures to
someone who was also born
in the East End in
Poplar to be precise. He
was amused and when he
saw the one where I am
dressed in evening
clothes, he referred to
me as an East End
Toff!. At first, I
was a trifle unsettled by
this comment. An East
End Toff! What is a
toff, you might ask?
Allow me to explain its
meaning and its
implication. A Toff is
someone of the elite
class that goes up
west for fun and
frivolity. Personally, I
think that it is a
shortened form of toffee-nosed,
which is a derogatory
term for someone of the upper
classes who, it is
assumed, looks down their
nose at the middle and
lower classes.
Although I was not one to
look down my nose at
anyone, I can understand
why I was called this.
Although my folks were
not rich, they were not
poor when compared to the
average East End person,
and as a result, I was
given much, much more
than the average East End
boy. Still, it is amusing
to think of my being such
a type. Much as I hate to
admit it, the term
described me perfectly!

(click on
the picture to hear Ella
Shields singing
'Burlington Bertie from
In the
story above, I mentioned
an overcoat. I love this
coat note the use
of the present tense, but
more of that in a bit.
Let me tell you something
about the coat itself. It
is made of English black
and white wool, but the
material was cut in
France. The weave is herring
bone. However, what
makes this coat special
is the design. It is
single breasted with the
front buttons hidden. The
coat is fitted slightly
at the waist and has a
long vent at the
back. It is an extremely
stylish coat, which sadly
no longer fits me.
I wore
this coat until 1981. I
had been living in New
York for about a year at
that time. Contrary to
popular belief, the
average New Yorker is not
stylish. Sadly, one
cannot ride the subway
or ride the bus and
afford to be stylish. I
recall coming home one
evening after going to
the theatre and taking
the subway. Since it was
winter, and cold, I was
wearing my precious
overcoat. Apparently,
there was a problem with
the subway and the trains
were being diverted. I
was living at the time in
the wilds of the Borough
of Queens and in order to
get to my station, we
were being shunted onto
the Flushing Line
for part of the journey.
The Flushing Line
passes through a much
rougher area than I
usually traveled through.
I remember standing on
the subway and then later
in the subway car and
becoming more and more
aware that almost
everyone was staring at
me. Their look was not
one of admiration,
although I was looking pretty
sharp in that coat!
No, these were poor
working people who were
coming home after working
long hours for low pay
and who were now very
tired. But most
importantly, they were
shabbily dressed in cheap
coats made of synthetic
fabrics. Suddenly, and
for the first time, I
felt like a
Once I got
home, I took off my coat
and put it away in my
cupboard. I knew that I
could no longer wander
the mean streets of
New York in my overcoat.
I was no longer in London
or Paris. Since I could
not afford the rents of
Manhattan, I had to live
in Queens and use the
subway to get around. New
York was quite dangerous
at that time and people
were advised not to make
themselves conspicuous
when using public
transport. I was very
sad, but it made sense
not to wear my coat for
the time being.
On the
following Saturday, I
went out to Alexanders,
a now defunct chain store
that specialized in clothes
suitable for the subway and
bought a really horrible
overcoat made of
synthetic fabric complete
with a fake sheep skin
lining and collar. I even
bought a black wooly hat
to wear. I wore that coat
and hat during the
winters months and was
always horrified when old
folks and other fearful
folks jumped out of my
way when I walked down
the street. I was never
especially proud of this
gruesome boorish image
that I projected in the
1980s while living New
York City! However, it
did allow me to blend
into my surroundings.
There is a
legacy from the wearing
of my coat: because of
it, I learned to
appreciate hats. One has
to grow into hats,
I find. My father was a
great hat wearer,
as were most men of that
epoch. Today, hats are
mostly baseball caps,
which I find acceptable
in the U.S., but I
dont appreciate
seeing them so widespread
in the U.K. and
elsewhere. Whatever
happened to the flat
hat the cheese
cutter, as we used to
call it? By the way, I
still have my homburg. I
wear it only on rare
occasions since I no
longer attend weddings
and funerals.
By the
way, I still have the
coat. I had kept it
with the strict intention
of wearing it once I am
in a place and in a
position to do so. Sadly,
it has sat in my cupboard
for a number of years
now. Unfortunately,
fashions change and such
a coat is no longer in
vogue. Casual Wear
has seen to that!
Plus, no longer living in
a big city makes
the wearing of such a
coat even less likely.
Finally, and most
tragically, I have to
admit that the coat no
longer fits. It truly
grieves me to confess
that I am incapable of doing
the buttons up. I
have kept it since I live
in hope that I will
miraculously lose weight
and I will once again be
able to slip into it
and it will fit me as it
once did. Incidentally, I
have thought about giving
the coat away to someone.
However, I have never
found anyone, as of yet,
that deserves and merits
such a gift. And so,
every couple of years or
so, I go into my cupboard
and take out the coat. I
remove the coat
protector in which it
hangs and admire it. I am
happy to say that it has
maintained its form and
the wool is still soft to
the touch while the
colours remain startling.
It is easy to still
marvel at it. After a few
minutes, I cannot resist
slipping it off its
hanger and torturing
myself by daring to try
it on. I live in hope
that it will fit, but
alas it does not. I sigh a
sigh of regret and
sadness as I stand
there looking at my image
in the mirror. Life can
be so cruel. After
another sigh or two, I
take the coat off and
return the garment to its
bag and once more I put
it away again in the
cupboard. I next promise
myself to eat less, but
again, alas, I soon
forget about my quest and
return to enjoying my
food. Life can be so
crushing at times, no?

The Coat

The Subway
writing this story, a
friend of mine urged me,
with some force I have to
admit, to think again
about the future of the
coat. He said it needed
to be worn and not
allowed to sit and rot
away in a cupboard. This
is a chilling thought. Of
course he is right, but
sadly, finding it THE
home it
needs has proven
fruitless in the past.
After a
long and especially cold
winter, spring has
finally come to where I
live. I have a small unassuming
house with a
pleasant back garden
where I like to sit
during early morning
hours. During this
season, the air is warm
and the environment is
peaceful broken only by
the singing of the birds
and the occasional bark
of a dog. I enjoy getting
up early especially at
this time of the year and
going into my back garden
where I can sit, with
coffee in hand, and allow
my thoughts to wander
peacefully. It is a
pleasant scene: birds
walking across the grass
looking for that early
worm while others sing
merrily in the
surrounding gentle
swaying trees. At such
times, problems seem less
urgent and solutions are
often easier to find. And
so, the other day, I went
out into my garden once
more and sat down with my
early morning companions
and once more I set
myself to think again
about my coat and what to
do with it.
Sadly, I
could think of no one
here where I live to give
the coat to. Overcoats
are rarely, if ever, seen
here. People do not walk,
especially in winter, and
so have little need of
one. I could not think of
anyone in England either
that I could give the
coat to. The people that
I know there are of my
age and most likely the
coat probably, just like
me, would not fit any of
them now.
As I sat
there, my mind wandered
back and I thought of the
places where I have
lived. I remembered the
time when I first came to
America. I had come to
live in New York. I had
taken a research position
at one of the large
university-hospitals. In
addition, I also taught
at the hospitals
parent university, Yeshiva
University, which is
a Jewish religious
school. I taught
Comparative Anatomy and
Organic Chemistry, the
latter being a very
important subject in this
country since it is a
required course for those
students wishing to go on
to medical and dental
schools. Each year, I was
lucky enough to have a
terrific group of
students who were not
only good scholars but
also young people with
ambition and drive. It
was a pleasure to teach
them. The students worked
very hard and started
their days early with
religious subjects and
then at about 3 P.M.,
they would begin secular
courses towards their
degrees. This made for a
long day and an even
longer one for those
studying sciences since
there would be laboratory
study to follow.
I thought
of my old students, many
of whom still remain in
contact with me. And then
I remembered one in
particular. This fellow
is now a physician. He is
a pediatrician and also
an anesthesiologist and
is in private practice
with a group of other
physicians in the
Tri-State Area. He is a
family man with four
children of his own, the
eldest of which is now in
college. He was a good
student, but he had one
quality that I admired
more than his others,
especially in one so
young, and it was this
special quality that
easily set him apart from
his colleagues.
he was no giant - he was
perhaps five feet nine
inches tall and probably
weighed no more than one
hundred and sixty pounds
(eleven stones six
pounds), he behaved as a
giant. He was no
crude bully. He had no
brutish manners. He was
plain and simply fearless
when confronted with a
wrong. He refused to
tolerate lies. He refused
to support poor logic in
a debate. And he would
not allow someone to bully
him. The young man
had a temper, this I
cannot deny and when
confronted by someone
attempting to treat him
in a disrespectful manner
would never shirk from
showing it and allowing
the antagonist to feel
his displeasure. As good
as this quality was, best
of all, he was not
fearful of authority and
refused to be intimidated
by it.
to say, the young man
gained a reputation
from a young age, which
has followed him
throughout his early life
into adulthood, and so is
thought of, in certain
narrow-minded circles, as
being difficult. Apparently
he had fought with
the Head Master of his
High School over a
matter, which when
described in depth to me,
clearly proved to me that
he was totally in the
right. At Yeshiva,
certain people attempted
to exert pressure on him,
which lead to their
experiencing the sharp
side of his tongue.
Again, when the facts of
the matter were laid out
before me, I felt that he
was completely in the
right. Other incidents
have occurred during his
adult life, but on each
occasion, judging by the
facts presented to me, it
has always been clear to
me that he was the
injured party. This
ex-student is a fellow
after my own heart.
For those
of you that do not know
me, I too have a certain
reputation for being
quick tempered. Needless
to say, I do not show
annoyance unless
provoked. It is my aim in
life to lead a peaceful
existence. Perhaps I do
not suffer fools gladly
and perhaps I do not give
people enough time to
think out their answers,
but I never argue with
the weak or with the infirm.
I understand innocent
mistakes and understand
confusion in the aged and
the very young. What I do
not tolerate is when
folks dismiss me as unworthy
of their time or else
give me wrong information
since they lack the energy
to do their jobs
I will
relate one tale where I
was wrongfully accused
and made to suffer an
unfair branding. When
I was finishing my
studies in Medical
School, I thought that it
would be good to do my
very last rotation at a
hospital in The Bronx where
I had been working prior
to going to school. I was
to study for one month in
the Emergency Room of
the hospital. At that
time, The Bronx was
a dangerous and violent
place and there was sure
to be much learned and
seen during my time at
the hospital. One great
advantage for students
was that one would be
allowed to ride an
ambulance and so see trauma
and many hideous
things that people do to
each other.
When it
was my turn to ride
the ambulance, I
reported to the Ambulance
Service as told, at
5.30 P.M. When I arrived,
the supervisor sniffed
at me and told me to wait
outside, by the wall
until 7.30 P.M. When
asked why I should do
this, the person replied
by telling me because
I say so! Naturally
this brute was not used
to anyone, let alone a
student (I was 42 years
old at the time, by the
way), asking questions.
Much to his annoyance, I
said that this was not a
good enough reason for me
to stand for two hours
waiting his pleasure. I
told him that since I was
a student, my job was to
study. I said that I
would return to the Emergency
Room and then return
at 7.30 P.M. At this, I
left. He remained with
his mouth open.
It took me
about ten minutes to walk
back to the Emergency
Room and when I arrived,
I was greeted by the doctor
in charge who was
convulsing with laughter.
It would seem that as a
result of the
insensitivity and boorish
behavior of the supervisor
of the ambulance
service, I was
considered to be too
rough to be allowed to
ride the ambulance in The
The doctor
could not stop laughing
and insisted on telling
everyone in the Emergency
Room about my
incident. Once he had
gained some control, he
asked me if I wanted him
to insist that I be
allowed to ride. I
thought that he would
burst a blood vessel from
further laughing when I
thanked him, but declined
his kind offer. I said
that it was far more
amusing to be banned
from riding the ambulance
in The Bronx than
ever it would be actually
riding one.
someone likened me to a gunslinger
in the old west.
Imagine that! They said
that I would have worn a
black hat and would have
worn notched six guns with
silver handles. They went
on to say that I was not
the type to turn away
when confronted with
someone who dared to
disrespect or abuse me or
someone under my
protection. Apparently, I
am seen as someone who
would issue a challenge
along with the
invitation to meet in the
main street once the sun
had reached its zenith.
Here, the show down
would take place! According
to this person, my
adversary and I would
then stand some ten paces
apart, staring eye to
eye, and with fingers
twitching at the ready.
Someone would begin a
count ................
one ................ two
............ and at that,
I would fire! And as the
song says another one
bites the dust!
When told
this, I was naturally
vexed as it made me seem
like a cruel and callous
person. I found it hardly
sporting to draw
on two and not
wait for the three count.
The person relating this
analogy said that it was
normal for gunfighters to
draw early and
that I was not breaking
any rule or code
of conduct here.
Apparently all I was
doing was ensuring that I
survived and the one that
insulted me did not.
Well, if I
am like a gunslinger then
this young man would
certainly qualify to be
one as well! And so, like
Archimedes, sitting in
that bath, all those
years ago, the solution
to my quest had been
found! I stood up and
clapped my hands with joy
and relief. The noise
frightened the birds and
caused them to abandon
temporarily their search
for worms. Sorry as I was
to interrupt the
birds breakfasting,
I felt sure the worms
would be grateful.
I sat down
again and looked across
my garden. The sun was
just beginning to rise
above the trees at the
bottom of my garden. I
sipped my coffee and
enjoyed the tranquil
scene. After many years,
I had come to the end of
my quest. At long last, a
worthy and deserving
successor had been found
and now the precious mantle
was ready to be
passed on to him.

Austrian Coat

Fayetteville Coat

The New
Coat (found at The
Good Will in
Melbourne, Australia)